Tuesday 22 April 2014


Yesterday my family and I were finishing off the movie Life on Mars. It was getting late and everyone was tired. So everyone got ready for bed, my dad went out side with the dogs ( Benny and Sophie ) so that they could go to the toilet. All off a sudden the dogs bolted away. My dad came and ran inside got a torch and a broom. What is wrong dad I asked. “ a possum fell out the tree”. My dad, brother and grandpa went out to the garden to find the either possum or dog. my dad said to the gran please turn on the outside light. so the gran went outside the door she saw the evil possum behind the car. The possum screamed  at granny and granny screamed back both scaring each other. dad came to the rescue accidentally hit the possum on the head while the dogs from behind him attacked the possum. so it was a little sad for us and a happy day for us (it's because he ate all our walnuts) it was a win win. at least the dogs got their victory. dad put the poor possum in a plastic bag.


Friday 4 April 2014

First Time

Even though I am still at Primary School, I have decided to start writing down the happenings at home and at school, so that I will be good at it one day, when I am at College.

My name is Brynn Andrews and I was born in Johannesburg South Africa in 2004, so I decided to call my blog BRYNN2004

I go to Primary School in Waikanae at live in Reikorangi with my family, my two dogs, two cats, and two goats. I call it Paradise.